domingo, 19 de noviembre de 2017

Post X: The last one !

My relationship with English from the beginning has been tortuous hahaha, because I began to learn when I changed school in elementary school, but I did not have a solid foundation and always panicked when talking was about talking, but I took the responsibility to learn, taking an English course raising my level considerably. In relation to the branch taught at the university, I must say it lacks more transversal among the careers that take the field, since it does not address vocabulary or technicalities of each career, to help learning.
In English II I really do not feel that I have learned much, I have reinforced my level, and in English III I could see that I learned things and that it reinforced a lot of talking, which is one of the aspects that for me is more difficult for pronunciation, my feeling with the English branch it is more to reinforce what is known, rather than to learn new things, as this has to do with the fact that within each branch, not all students have the same level.
The blogs are quite useful for the practice of writing, I believe that before I had not done so much practice if I believe that in English III is fine, but already in English IV doing it again is a bit tedious.
I think the aspect that I should improve in English is reading and writing, maybe I could improve reading obviously reading but things that interest me !! Compulsory reading is not always entertaining and blogs have certainly helped me a lot in practice!, Another thing I have done to practice more English is to watch video or movies in English at times with subtitles and other occasions in english! that helps train the ear.
Outside of English classes, I do not use English so much to communicate, but to read texts of physical help and to understand videos of interest. lately they have done 'workshop' in the university and I have taken some courses where those who taught the knowledge spoke only English, at that time I had to approve my knowledge.

domingo, 12 de noviembre de 2017

Post IX: Improvements to the University

Hi everyone!
 In this post I will write about my observations about the university and how I could improve the study program, I would not really include more subjects to the schedule, because the schedule of the whole career is already very tight and if I am already tired with more subject I would be constantly tired. Something that would include in the subjects would be sessions of stretching and conditioning suitable for each class and perhaps reorganize better the theoretical classes with the practices, because many times the theoretical classes are after the practices, and the truth the attention is dispersed enough. A good order in the classes would not suffer so many injuries, for example, there are classes to which we must already arrive with the warm body but they are located after classes, it is absurd because the body is already tired and rested after eating, it is Laboratory class should be after a technique class !!!
 In my career, pedagogy is important, so teachers must be a good pedagogy. This means that they must be concerned about the learning of their students and must understand the colors of the differences and evaluate according to the process of each student. These teaching methods can help dancers improve with patience and dissipate frustrations.
About the facilities of my faculties ... IT IS VERY FRUSTRATING !!! TO LOOK AT ALL THE INFRACTRUCTURE IS DEFICIENT !!!! to start the elevators are not equivalent to the number of students and are very old and are always in poor condition! We do not have green areas, and this affects student recreation and rest , the difficult thing is to explain to my family the precarious situation existing in this faculty since it says "UNIVERSIDAD DE  CHILE" they think it is all great and color of roses, that will be for FEN, because "Artes centro" is missing a lot for To be a good place of study, you must improve the instruments of the percussionist, the showers and dressing rooms of the dance halls, improve the floors, pay the monthly payments to the teachers and assistants who work with a ticket and many other things.

 well that's it, I hope not to discourage them :) !!

viernes, 3 de noviembre de 2017

Post VIII: Summer Holidays

Hi Everyone!!! in this blog I will tell you again about the place to visit on vacation.

Resultado de imagen para viña las casas de maule
At this time of the year, the holidays are the only thing I think hahaha, and the truth is that I already have some plans that I hope can be made, but before traveling, I must raise money, that is why, always in December and January together dienro and in february I enjoy my beloved holidays.
I have planned to stay in Chile this holiday because in  2019 I want to travel to Brazil, but let's go back to the closest vacations .... I want to visit Talca(Fabián's House haha ) again and go to the beach maybe also some of the V region. Usually I always make plans to spend a week vacationing, and if I go to Talca, I'll go again in the week of the celebration of  independence, its so much fun and the people are happier and many activities and concerts are held during that week. And what I like the most about going to Talca is eating some tasty Churrascas.

Resultado de imagen para churrascaIn the past holidays I liked going a lot, because the place is very beautiful and quiet and invites you to really enjoy the nature and tranquility, the water of the river is great, although very cold but it serves for the body haha!.For the rest of the days that I will be in Santiago I plan to visit  the parks and museums that I still do not know. For the rest of the days that I will be in Santiago I plan to visit the parks and museums that I still do not know and continue to train Capoeira, as I have another plan to visit the house of a companion in Doñihue that is relatively close to Rancagua. that there will be many places to know; and also with my family we always travel to Guanaqueros, so that is a destination more than known in the holidays.

sábado, 21 de octubre de 2017

Post VII : Five places to visit in Chile

 Hi  everyone !!!
As I mentioned in the title today I ' ll write  a list of five places that I have gone to, I warn you that not all are spectacular but they have been important to me.

  The places are:
* Guanaqueros Y Tongoy
* Punta de Choros
* El Maule
* Los Ángeles
* Caburga Lake

Imagen relacionadaGuanaqueros is located in the Region of Coquimbo (Chile), 12 kilometers from the resort of Tongoy, belonging to the commune of Coquimbo; to these places I always go to vacation with my family we go from eleven years ago, and I love it!<3 because they are big beaches and the people of that place are very friendly, we always stay in Guanaqueros in a house that is on the shore of the beach and as we love the sea we can be until sunset on the beach as the house is in front, it's great, Tongoy visit it when we want to go for big waves and buy at the fair, has a beach called "Playa Socos" which we always visit has very blue water and many seashells or conches to collect. On the last vacation we went in early March, for me it was the best idea because we are almost alone on the beach and could enjoy it very early.

Resultado de imagen para playa las tijeras chileI visited Punta de Choros in 2015 on vacation, the place is beautiful, the beach with turquoise waters and white sand !!!!, the truth for me is a very beautiful place, we visited with my family, and in the period we went they were fixing the road so the trip and return was eternal but the reward of reaching that wonderful place was the best.

La imagen puede contener: una persona, sonriendo, de pie, exterior y naturalezaIn January of this year I went to the house of my classmate and friend Fabian for a week, we had a good time and made me fat hahaha!!, Fabián's family has a campground where a river crosses, the water was very cold, but with hot days it was great to bathe, I'm a friend of Fabian's girlfriends, so we organized many activities for that week, went to the "Fiesta de la Independencia", we hiked to get to know the Maule river and ate many CHURRASCAS<3<3<3.
La imagen puede contener: 2 personas, personas sonriendo, sombrero, exterior, naturaleza y agua

This year on a winter vacation I went to "Los Angeles" located in The Region of BioBio, there lives an aunt of my dad and we always stay at  her home, the best time for me is when we go in winter, because it rains a lot and the warmth of the firewood has no comparison. Also visit the Salto del Laja in winter is another experience !!!!

Caburga Lake is very close to Pucon, obviously I went on vacations again hahaha, I went to Playa Blanca is so beautiful !!!and the water is transparent and it is certainly a beautiful place that you could see.
bye <3

viernes, 13 de octubre de 2017

Post VI 《Animal I'd like to be》

On this occasion I will tell you which animal I would like to be ....
If I had to choose or incarnate an animal, it would be the ELEPHANT I love them <3 !!!!!, because for me, they are the most intelligent animals on earth, they are huge and they have an incredible memory. These animals always walk in matriarchal herds and the family is very important, that has always attracted me about the elephants.
As I mentioned the family is a very important nucleus, and that these animals are aware of this activity, I find it great, although the elephants are united in Matriarchal communities, which in humans is uncommon. One of the things that I love about them and that makes them so characteristic are their huge ears and their trunk <3<3<3 with their ears they regulate their temperature, since they live in areas with high temperature and  they also use them to communicate, their tubes are amazing, they work just like a hand for them, they collect food, emit sounds and they also recognize smells and tastes !!! There are two species of elephants; the African elephant and the Asian elephant. 
Elephants have many behaviors that can be referred to as human, for example they express their emotions through sounds or body movements. When an elephant is too old, the rest of the herd usually sits around them to accompany them during their transition to death. 
Don't you find that they are great? !!!!, in Thailand they are considered sacred animals, because the symbolize the peace and power.

Resultado de imagen para elefantes animales sagrados

miércoles, 11 de octubre de 2017

Post V: Postgraduate studies

Resultado de imagen para danzaterapia dibujos

Hello everyone !!
I don't really know, if i want to studies for postgraduate, I couldn't name a career in specific but I have the  feeling it's maybe related with children pedagogy or teacher in a University. I like so much the movement of the body and its parts, as it's efficient functioning for the work of the dance, for that reason I would also like to study something more related to the anatomy , to make therapies of recovery of injuries.etc .
As I mentioned in my last blog, I would like study abroad in Brazil or Argentina.
I would travel to have in person courses, but if it is not possible I would like a part time course, because the idea is to continue studying after finishing the bachelor's degree.
In the artistic careers in my opinion, it is very important to continue to nourish the knowledge as in all other careers too.
Many of my teachers are referents, and the vast majority of them have had to travel to other countries to continue their training since in Chile there are fewer opportunities for academic learning and recognized by people who are not from the world of dance.
I believe that this iniversity encourages a lot that your students continue to research and create and this is reflected in all the teachers who continue teaching classes that have been students of this intitution.

sábado, 7 de octubre de 2017

Post IV: Desserts ♡

Hello everyone!!!
In this post I'll write about my speciality, when it comes to cooking, lemon pie and cakes are my favorite preparation.
Some time ago I have been practicing, because in a beginning I didn't make it very delicious, the truth is I was very bad cook, but the practice made me better, and now my friends anda family always ask me to make my Lemon Pie, because they love it !!, I quite busy with the food I've been changing the recipe to make it delicious and healthy at the same time.
the first thing I do is the dough, with brown sugar, butter , three yolk and flour. To make the filling I use, condensed milk, a yolk and lots of lemon or orange juice, I prefer lemon juice because is more sour, and finally for the meringue I cook the egg whites together with the sugar to the water bath, until the sugar is completely dissolved, then I take the pot out of the pot and beat it for thirty minutes and it looks great white and spongy.
After many failures with the cake, I have achieved the perfect way to do it after traveling to the South of Chile (Los Angeles), to the house of an expert aunt hahaha, who gave me the secret and I will share it with you.
The secret is to make all the liquid mixture in the mixer, the eggs, milk, sugar, oil instead of butter, lemon or orange juices and the orange zest with essence of vanilla, after all is mixed  the flour is incorporated and that is all, bakes and remains as seen in the picture, TASTY!!!!
I hope  you like my tips hahah <3 bye.